Click On the Following 2024 Dates to Register:

(More Info Below)

May 14th Cozy Yoga for Healing is Cancelled

About the Workhop:

The effects of stress and trauma can disconnect us from ourselves, creating dysregulation in our minds, bodies, and spirits. We all have the innate ability to heal. Janelle uses the evidence-based modality of somatic trauma-informed yoga to help others discover their own inner capacity for healing and growth. In class, Janelle follows the trauma-informed frameworks of safety, trust, choice, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural competence. She holds compassionate space for others, guides participants through gentle breath work and embodied movement, invites students to be curious and explore the mind-body connection, and always encourages people to move their bodies however feels best for them in that moment. The goal of her trauma-informed class is to meet participants where they are, acknowledge that everyone is having their own unique experience, support healing and growth, and to avoid re-traumatization at all costs. 

Location: The Main House at Amethyst Retreat Center (44 Buffalo Creek Rd, Duncannon, PA 17020)

2024 Dates (Click on the Date to Register), Tuesdays: March 5, April 2, May 14, June 11

Time: 6:30-8:30PM on each date offered

Please Bring: blankets and a journal & pen. Yoga Mats are provided.

Registration is required and space is limited. Tickets to join are $30 per person, per date.

You can join as many classes as you’d like and can find unique benefit from each one.

About the Instructor:

Janelle Manley received her 200-hour yoga teacher certification in April 2021 after completing Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training with Brett Larkin. After experiencing deep healing through the practice of yoga, she followed an inner calling to get a certification in Trauma-Informed Yoga with Transcending Sexual Trauma Through Yoga’s Zahabiyah Yamasaki at Embody Through Yoga Studio in September 2023. Janelle’s yoga classes are designed to help participants discover their own inner wisdom and power, and to make choices with their bodies that support their healing process. Her classes are intended to nourish the nervous system, honor the unique lived experience of every individual present, and lovingly remind participants of their inherent worthiness. Janelle is also a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh. She offers mobile IV vitamin therapy. Janelle is a survivor, mother, partner, sister, and friend residing in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The effects of stress and trauma can disconnect us from ourselves, creating dysregulation in our minds, bodies, and spirits. We all have the innate ability to heal. Janelle uses the evidence-based modality of somatic trauma-informed yoga to help others discover their own inner capacity for healing and growth.

This class is for you if you:

- are seeking healing and empowerment

- prefer a gentle approach

- enjoy mind-body integration

- want to release tension, stress, anxiety, and trauma

- desire to emphasize embodiment

- have chronic pain

- value gentle and fluid movements

- prefer mindful movement and gentle breath work

- experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD

- value body awareness

This a welcoming environment for all bodies of any religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity

Benefits of the class can include:

- enhanced body awareness

- process and release trauma held in the body

- reduced symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD

- increased feelings of self-compassion, self-esteem, and courage

- release of physical and emotional tension and tightness

- personal empowerment

- increased flexibility and range of motion

- the recognition of choices in ones life

- increased feelings of safety and strength

- improved trust in self and others

- feelings of being at home within the self

Cancellation Policy:

Tickets are nonrefundable, and we do not offer transfers to other dates. If Amethyst needs to cancel, we will post cancellation on the website here, contact you, and refund your payment. If you are unable to attend you can give your ticket to a friend in your place.