Human Design & Black Moon Lilith

October 17th from 6:30-8:30 PM

About the Topics:

Human Design is an in-depth system of self awareness that combines Western astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems. It has been described as a system that helps an individual get in touch with key aspects of their personality, relationships, destiny or purpose, and highest potential.

Black Moon Lilith in our natal chart represents an energy that we do no want to accept as a part of us because it makes us feel like a bad person. Lilith is repressed - to the point that we may not even readily identify with its theme. But you will know Lilith when it escapes in a destructive outburst, often followed by deep feelings of shame.

About the Event:

Join Deena Preston on October 17th from 6:30-8:30 PM as she guides us through exploring the theme of Black Moon Lilith as found in each of our individual natal charts, sharing personal stories, and contemplating how we can integrate Lilith's expression of power in a way that is both loving and responsible.

What’s Required: Your birth data (date, time, and location), journal, and a pen (also, reading glasses if needed)

Located at Amethyst Retreat Center (44 Buffalo Creek Road, Duncannon PA 17020)

Registration is required and space is limited. 

The evening will provide a gathering of souls all exploring how to move from shame to power in a safe and nourishing environment. Whether you are new to Human Design or ready to explore, this class will be supportive.

About the Host:

Deena Preston is a joyful homeschooling mom, occasional artist, Human Design mentor, and contemplative guide. She loves the Human Design system for its truly transformational potential and clear description of energy dynamics. No other body of knowledge has so profoundly impacted her relationship to herself, her family, and her experience of the world.

Deena self-studied Human Design for 2 years using various media prior to committing to formal education. She has currently completed the Living Your Design Workshop and Rave ABCs with John and Amy of the Human Design Collective. She is a 6/2 Splenic Projector on the Left Angle Cross of Alignment.

Cancellation Policy: Tickets are nonrefundable, and we do not offer transfers to other dates. If Amethyst needs to cancel, we will post cancellation on the Amethyst website, contact you, and refund your payment. If you are unable to attend you can give your ticket to a friend in your place.